
Merman on a Mission: Mike Pelley dives for Trash and Treasure
"I thoroughly believe you can’t just go for the treasure. You have to go for the trash too.”

Uncharted Adventure: 10 Questions with Christian Schauf
“Train as if tomorrow you’ll need it. So many times I’ve found myself with an opportunity or a situation, and if I hadn’t been prepared, I wouldn’t have been able to experience it.”

Fishing for Happiness: Reflections on a life well lived
A fisherman’s willingness to take chances and a deep attunement to what constitutes personal happiness has been a guiding force throughout his life

Living a ‘Legend Life’ with Damian Geleyns
“It is never too late and you are never too old to start creating your best life or what I call a Legend Life."

Scaling the abyss with Erica Yaeger
“When I was 21 I was homeless and addicted to heroin.” A former addict shares her journey of recovery and the outdoors.

Volcano boarding in Nicaragua: 'People love it'
...a ride that’s over in 40 seconds but will live on a lifetime in memories.

Riggs admits competing in Ironman is 'only for crazy people'
Colorado extreme athlete thrilled to compete in world championship event

Blogger shares his experiences hiking as a 'fat man' on 'little trails'
"Nature didn’t care about what was going on in the world. It welcomed me with open arms ... I began to choose beauty more and more and it did remarkable things for my mind and spirit."

Montana outfitting company helps adventurers get back in touch with their wild side
Snowy Springs Outfitters is inspiring people to "stop and smell the roses" by reconnecting with nature the 'old fashion' way.

Wildlife photographer capturing the pure wildness of Yellowstone
"So much of the wildlife I photograph relies heavily on conservation and protecting in order to thrive, and I hope my photos provoke a sense of awe and connection to nature within a viewer."

The outdoors ‘feels like home’ to hiker
Lily Tagariello has walked across much of America’s wild areas — and looks forward to more adventures

British photographer focused on nature and healing
Nature serves as a form of therapy for British photographer Mike Phelps, who has found peace and beauty outdoors.

Retired Canadian soldier trades combat boots for a camera
"...Where I want myself to be is very involved in wildlife. I want to help other veterans and share my knowledge and experience with others."

SKY HIGH: High-alpine photographer Chris Figenshau captures awe-inspiring moments in the mountains
'The hardest thing to do is capture something that will stand the test of time and tell us a story about the moment that was captured ... That’s something you can look at years from now and it’s still powerful.'

Reaching for the sky: Questions and answers with mountain climber Bill Dyer
On any given day, mountain climber and guide Bill Dyer is likely somewhere on the Grand Teton summit, carefully making his way past bears and lightning storms.

How a Parisian sailor found his family again after falling overboard
Herve Saint Hilaire shares his harrowing tale of being lost at sea.

Grenada native's sloop charters keep '200 years of Grenada's boat-building culture' alive
'This is not your cookie-cutter Disney packaged tour – this is the authentic Grenada'.