A pair of affectionate puffins on Skomer Island in Wales | Photo by Ashleigh McCord

Power of Connection


The Weekend Dispatch

JUL 30, 2022

We want to publish your stories. Send us your ideas that highlight adventure, outdoor education, or environmental initiatives.

01. Photographer pick: Ashleigh McCord

Ashleigh McCord is a die-hard wildlife lover who's explored 69 countries with her camera. Her photo "Shelter from the Rain" landed her the 2021 Wildlife Photographer of the Year’s People’s Choice Award

Check out her page at @ashmccordphotography

"During a visit to the Maasai Mara, Kenya, Ashleigh captured this tender moment between a pair of male lions. At first, she had been taking pictures of only one of the lions, and the rain was just a light sprinkle, although the second had briefly approached and greeted his companion before choosing to walk away. But as the rain turned into a heavy downpour, the second male returned and sat, positioning his body as if to shelter the other. Shortly after they rubbed faces and continued to sit nuzzling for some time. Ashleigh stayed watching them until the rain was falling so hard that they were barely visible."

"Shelter from the Rain" by Ashleigh McCord

02. Article pick: Nature Journaling

Nature journaling is a lost art. It allows you to focus and connect more deeply with natural environments and live more intentionally. It also serves as an antidote to today's nature-deficit effects of too much time spent in artificial environments. 

This article is for all ages and provides all the resources and inspiration you'll need to go back to this effective centuries-old practice. 

Photo by nature journaler and artist Alex Boon

03. Book pick: Our Wild Calling by Richard Louv

The book opens with a personal encounter with a black fox: “We stared at each other for what seemed like minutes but was probably only seconds. In those eyes I felt a distant kinship or perhaps only the suns of a parallel universe.” This left the author with many questions.

The rest of the book digs deep into all forms of the human/non-human connection — how our lives interwind, what draws us to each other and what that connectedness means for all of us. It's the kind of book that gives you hope.


04. Audio pick: Nature Meditations with Kenya Jackson-Saulters

Kenya Jackson-Saulters is an expert at pairing mindfulness with nature. In this 35-minute She Explores episode she shares the importance of tapping into nature's healing powers by grounding ourselves in the outdoors, and setting aside the time to do it.

Kenya Jackson-Saulters. Provided by She Explores

05. Quote of the Week

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”

     ― Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

The Dispatch: Jan. 11
The Dispatch: Jan. 4
The Dispatch: Dec. 28